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Get Sociable

18k gold-plated chandelier earrings by Anna Beck

So, you have that Instagram account, and you love the pictures your friends, co-workers, cousins, grown kids . . . heck, even the neighbors . . . post. But you keep running out of ideas to post your own. You're not into selfies, you'd rather eat your meal than display it, and face it . . . you're busy.

 Don't give up! The answer is completely clear. You're not having enough fun with your jewelry! 

Hashtags like #earparty, #armparty, and #earcandy started trending in 2017 and never stopped. It turns out, we just can't get enough of looking at jewelry, getting jewelry ideas from one another, and celebrating the jewelry finds of girlfriends known and not-yet-known. So the next time you're wishing you had something fun to post, just head over to your jewelry box. Pull out something decadent and delicious that you haven't worn lately, pop it on, then go in for the close zoom (look ma! no makeup required!). Hashtag and post, and give all of us Insta-lurkers a jewelry fix.

Of course, if you're not inspired by what's in your jewelry box, head on in and let one of the Glitter Girls help you find something. If you like these Anna Beck earrings, they could be yours! They're swingy and fun, you can dress up or down with them, and they would certainly make for a fantastic #earparty post.

Sterling Silver/Vermeil Pear Drop Chandelier Earrings

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